
What for many people may seem extreme, for others it is something worthy of admiration. Each person chooses how far they want to go when it comes to tattoos or piercings (personal or professional reasons). Some people simply are afraid to whether painful or not. In that case I recommend to those people to just admire them and be content.

Many people choose to reach what is considered extreme in their bodies and express what for them is synonymous of freedom and to always remember that every human being can do with their bodies what they wish.

These people are people with a spirit of freedom which not everyone possesses and are those who can carry out a lifestyle that not many people dare not to express. Do not be fooled by something visible to reach a conclusion that is not as successful in terms of "white-collar" people because many of them have their bodies tattooed or pierced (perhaps both). It all depends on each individual. 

Just because you don't see it don't mean is not there, just remember that.


Copyright 2012 by : lax_stres